Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Analyse of opening credits in 'The Stepfather'

The stepfather

  • simple black writing
  • set in the suburbs america, nice community, family homes
  • everybody on the street gets a news paper and he has cancelled it
  • music, quite, creepy, piano, mysterious, something bad has happened
  • household things that you have connotation of danger e.g scissors, tweezers act
  • also all the appliances one would use during a make over e.g hair dye
  • music intensifies when the man character is shown, get more creepy indicating someone bad has happened or will happen
  • hair dye
  • surroundings in the bath room are clean and even to an extreme of ocd
  • changing appearance
  • cut himself with a razor.. blood
  • change in appearance contact lenses, one changes appearance when running from something or someone or to discieve someone 
  • house is bare
  • suitcase indicates your running from something
  • phone of the hock normally associated with something bad happened
  • kitchen is untidy in comparison to the rest of the house
  • all the colours are bright and room are spacious, maybe too clean?
  • christmas music

The initial scene thats starts The stepfather cuts to a medium shot of a truck in a suburban street, with a man inside delivering copies of the ‘Salt Lake City Gazette’, throwing them out of the window onto the driveways of the houses. The truck then stops outside one of the houses, looking down a clipboard to see that the house’s subscription to the gazette has been cancelled, and drives on. In the top left of the screen, the names of the other production and distribution companies are shown in a black, bold font. In the background, quiet, sinister music plays, creating feelings of tension and suspense, even though the film has just begun.

The film then cuts to a slow tracking shot, moving from right to left focusing on a shaving kit, presumably inside the house seen in the last shot. A man then appears in the mirror, while the name of the film, The Stepfather, appears in the bottom left.
He continues with a normal morning routine, including shaving, and showering, but then, when he changes his contact lenses to alter the appearance of his eyes, we realise that he is deliberately trying to change his appearance. Throughout this routine, the names of the main actors fade in and out in different corners of the
screen, appearing for a few seconds and then disappearing. 
 A close up shot of the man is seen after, this shows that he is going to change his appearance. He changes his appearance which consists of: dying hair, shaving beard, changing contacts, no glasses. He looks like a completely different person after he has gone through the stages of changing himself.  This indicates that something has happened or is going to happen in which he has to run away from something.

The credits all appear in simple black capital letter and fade away. Black indicates danger and something bad has happened. Throughout the opening the music is slow and creepy, although when it arrives to the main characters face the music intensifies and begins to get faster increasing the mystery and excitement of the makeover.

He come down with packed bags which indicates that he is either leaving his home for a while or leaving town. Before he leaves he continues like its a normal day, he goes to the kitchen to make breakfast and walks past a dead body of a child like it is normal and nothing is wrong. 

The man then walks out of the kitchen and around the house, and is followed by the camera, which then tilts to the side to show a dead child leaning on the kitchen table. The original sinister music then comes back in with a sharp high-pitched stab, to make the audience jump. The camera then pans around the house to reveal more dead bodies lying around, on the floor and on the sofa. The man calmly walks around the house, collecting his things before leaving. As he reaches the door, he has a flashback, and there is a cut to a close up of a girl screaming, then back to the man. He picks up his suitcases and walks out the door, while the camera cuts to a close up of the same girl lying dead on the floor.
We then see the man in his car, adjusting the rear view mirror.

Opening scene of the Stepfather: 

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