Monday, 12 November 2012

Cutting Edge Documentary

We watched a documenarty and I made a few notes of what I found within the vdeo.

It discussed slow pace build up and slow motion. It goes on to mention that in a chase scene there is almost always peaks and valleys which are moments of intensity. Peaks stimulate excitement and Valleys are at normal intensity. 

There is a lot of juxtaposition within chase scene. Juxtaposition is the act of placing two different ideas, images, objects or characters side by side or in similar positions for effect. By placing the two opposing things together, their differences are even more prominent.

Cutting Suspense

Between characters- parallel action
never any long shots always close ups(to see emotion)/medium close ups(see emotion aswell as body language) in thrillers
Lighting shown- key light, back light and there tends to be no more than 2 lights in scene in thrillers.


The scream in one of the thrillers in is a medium close up
they cut from her to the scream mask then cut back to her again
music creates hype and tension
When she saw the car it was a valley(because you think she is going to get away) and then the Peak is where she gets stabbed(stimulate excitement)

Silence of the lambs 1991

Breathing- non-diegetic
point of view show- you are the camera(we will try to include this in our opening sequence as it's a good way to involve the viewers thinking that they are there)
following her movements
The valley in these thriller is the build up
The peak is when we see the gun- close up shot
Night vision- binoculars- green, your point of view again. He could see her but she couldn't see him which is sensory deprivation.

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