Monday 12 November 2012

Our questionnaire feedback

We asked 10 females and 10 males to answer our questionnarie and here are the results.

Question 1. Are you male or female?

10 people were female

10 people were male

Question 2. What do you come under in these age spans?

3 people were between 10-15

10 people were between 16-20

1 person was between 21-25

6 people were between 26+

Question 3. Do you enjoy thriller films?

13 people said yes

7 people said no

Question 4. How often do you go to the cinema?

1 person goes once a week

10 people go once a month

9 people said between 5-10 times a year

Question 5. What attracts you to thrillers?

2 people said music

11 people said tension

5 people said actors/actresses

1 person said the plot

Question 6. How often do you watch thriller films?

10 people said rarely

0 people said I don't watch them

5 people said often

5 people said frequently

Question 7. How do you feel after you've watched a thriller?

8 people feel fine

6 people feel scared

6 people said excited

Question 8. Do you buy thriller dvds?
11 people said rarely

5 people said often

2  people said frequently

2 people  said never

Question 9. Do you prefer thrillers in 3D?

5 people said yes

15 people said no

I0 people said they don't watch thrillers

Question 10. What is your favourite thriller?

10 people mentioned a film of some kind from Paranormal activity

5 people mentioned a film of some kind from Saw

Other answers included, Seven, House at the end of the street and final destination

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