Saturday 23 February 2013

Evaluation: Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

My media product has developed from ideas on paper into an engaging thriller opening sequence. It has gone through 1 out of 3 stages of the film industry process, of film finance and production. There are many conventions of a thriller genre for example, they tend to have an obvious antagonist and protagonist, the film is revolved around a psychological plot which can be based on real life situations/story. It is face paced and contains enigmas and cliff hangers, also it has elements of mystery. The colour of the opening sequences symbolically represents the themes in the film and the use of a musical crescendo adds to the tension and mystery of the opening. My film has many of my researched conventions: the plot has a criminal narrative and psychology thriller theme-

My film also has many aspects from my researched thrillers: Bone collector, this film opening was very simplistic yet very effect, the main focus was on the sound track and the whole visual part was on this sensory deprivation idea which is present in my media production.

Most thriller movies use real life situations in their storyline, e.g child abuse - drug abuse and drug dealing. I used this convention as it would relate to my target audience as teenagers with siblings often at some point in their lives feel their parents don’t have equal affection which relates to my main antagonists emotions when finding out his parents abandoned him due to his psychological issue but remained custody of his twin brother. There is slow suspenseful non - diegetic music throughout opening credits in thriller films which is used to build up tension: The Stepfather(has slow music), the credits all appear in simple black capital letters and fade away. Black indicates danger and something bad has happened.

Throughout the opening the music is swelling, although when it arrives to the main characters face the music intensifies and begins to get faster increasing the mystery and excitement of the makeover, which my media product adapts as the music intensifies when his eye comes into focus.

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