Sunday 24 February 2013

Evaluation: Question 5

5. Who would be the audience for your media product?

         We were hoping to Unisex working class/middle class adolescence within from age 15 to 18 as a primary target audience, then a secondary audience of working/middle class pre teenage children age (12-14), lastly for a tertiary audience we were hoping to attract Unisex working class/middle class adults, working/unemployed (age 19-55).
     My primary audience is psychographically going to have an interest in films in general, especially thrillers, more specifically modern thrillers as they will be a similar age to the people in them, so they can easily relate to the character, the main character will represent them the family will represent, the reason I decided on working class more so then middle class is because they may find the representation of themselves offensive, however working class people will not
      Our thriller film should be aimed at and audience of 15-18. This age group is perfect for my movie. I specifically choose the age 15. All of them like thriller films, a large majority even say it is their favorite genre from recent surveys. I knew if I aimed my film at this age group, they would watch it, there would be a higher chance of my film succeeding in exhibitions. It would be popular amongst this age and young people will spread the word of how good my film is to friends and family. From the focus group I learnt young women would also watch my film, as the main film is revolved around a family rivalry. There are many other reasons why my target audience would watch my film, it involves fast pace action and dramatic music that matches the scene. Their costume is realistic.

    My secondary audience will have a have the same interests as our primary most likely, most pre teenage people try to act older then they are, this will mean they will attempt to relate to the character, they will also be scared as it is set in a house, a place that they will associate with safety, and enjoy the adrenaline rush they will feel because of it, I feel that they will watch my film. 
    I am really glad the age group was set between 15-18, as it has given me the freedom to use violence and inappropriate language - (However I did not use inappropriate language in the opening as it was not a violent confrontation). If my film was aimed at a 12 year old audience, I would not be able to use as much violence or harsh language as a film that is targeted for the certificate of 15. Teenagers can relate to the storyline more.
    My tertiary audience, will be interested in Horror films, and will most likely be parents therefore, will relate the family on screen to there own, the men will enjoy watching the film as it will portray him as powerful, the women will enjoy watching my film because it shows her as very nurturing. They may even relate it to their own childhood.

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